About the project
Snowy Hydro Limited (SHL) is undertaking the largest energy project in Australia. The expansion of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric scheme involves linking the existing Tatangara and Talbingo reservoirs through a series of underground tunnels, and the construction of an underground hydro-electric power station.
The scheme will enable dispatch of up to 2,000 MW of on-demand generating capacity to the grid. It will also provide unparalleled long-duration storage (350,000 MWh), which the power system will increasingly require as more coal-fired power stations retire. It will store enough energy to power approximately three million homes for a week. The first power generated from Snowy 2.0 is expected in 2028.
The project received approval from the NSW State Government in September 2022, and Commonwealth Government approval in October 2022.

Demand for reliable, clean energy is increasing across NSW, Victoria, South Australia, and Queensland. By expanding the current Snowy Scheme and building additional transmission lines between the states, energy users from South Australia to Queensland will benefit from the energy and storage that Snowy 2.0 will provide.
The Snowy Scheme is the largest pumped hydro facility in Australia, requiring bespoke transmission connection infrastructure.

The Project is building the transmission infrastructure that will enable Snowy 2.0 to deliver electricity to Australian consumers. It will do this by connecting Snowy 2.0 into the NSW electricity grid and the National Energy Market (NEM). This connection means that the renewable energy (up to 2,000 megawatts) been generated and stored can be distributed within minutes when it is most needed.
The Snowy 2.0 Transmission Connection project (STCP) will connect the Snowy Hydro 2.0 project into the National Electricity Market.
The project includes the construction of 9km of new high voltage transmission lines which will span the Tumut River and a switching station located in the Bago State Forest. The project team will construct and upgrade access tracks to the new switching station and transmission line structures, as required.
Categorised as Critical State Significant infrastructure (CSSI), the STCP is subject to planning and environmental regulations, and required approval from both the NSW and Commonwealth Governments.
The project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC) and was assessed under the bilateral agreement process between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments.
We recognise that this project is challenging due to its location in the Kosciuszko National Park. We will work closely with industry and community stakeholders to minimise disruption and impact. We are proud to be working with our delivery partners and the Snowy Valleys community to enable landmark reform in the way renewable energy is harnessed for Australian energy consumers.
Transgrid has been engaged by Lumea as our delivery partner for the design, planning, approvals and construction of the STCP.
An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was required to assess the project’s expected impacts on land, water, air, flora and fauna biodiversity, heritage, amenity, transport and other social, environmental and economic factors. Following public exhibition, the EIS received submissions which led to modifications to further minimise project impacts.
Community and Stakeholders
We are committed to building a bright future for all Australians through a fair and transparent approach. We believe everyone has the right to have their say. Visit our community engagement page here.
Fact Sheets
Environmental Documents
Access the Snowy 2.0 Transmission Connection Project environmental documents by clicking on the headings below:
Environmental Management Strategy
Noise and Vibration Management Plan
B18 Biodiversity Offset Package
Traffic and Transport Management Plan
Soil and Water Management Plan
Construction Environmental Management Plan
Environmental Management Plans - All Approvals
Working on the Snowy 2.0 Transmission Connection Project
A number of jobs will be created during the course of the project. Please visit our delivery partner, UGL’s website for job opportunities.
For more information on UGL's application process, click here.